The other set created by IllogicalSimmer just came out and expands your Build / Buy Catalog with new objects that follow along the theme of Snowy Escape’s already existing objects. Make sure you’ve enabled CC / Mods in your game options for the set to appear in your game! This set relies on textures and mesh already created by EA which means you’ll need Snowy Escape in order to use the set. More specifically Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. Just like any other CC pack this one can easily be installed by extracting the contents to your save game.

My personal favorite (which is also featured in the box art below) is the liberated puffer jacket that doesn’t come with the sweater that has been originally introduced with the pack. 8 Adult Female hairs (3 of which are ombre variants).The set contains 16 different CAS items that are different variations of the items you already get with Snowy Escape. The first set is created by grimcookies that expands the catalog of Create A Sim clothing from The Sims 4 Snowy Escape. In this post specifically I’ll be talking about the two great Custom Content Addons that you can add to your game to expand (and improve) your CAS and Build Catalog. The community has been hard at work over the last couple of days to provide you with some extra content that expands upon the world of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack.